FSSAI License Renewal

Why FSSAI License Renewal?

FSSAI License is a mandatory legal compliance for any kind of business related to food. Whether it’s manufacturing of food items, oimagesr distributor, or seller. Such kind of business is called Food Business Operator (FBO).

Getting FSSAI License is not a one-time compliance. The validity of FSSAI License depends on how long you have applied for. The cost of license increases with the no. of years you get FSSAI license for. FSSAI license can have a validity of maximum 5 years. You need to apply for FSSAI license again before the existing license gets expired. According To FSSAI’s guidelines, you have to apply Minimum 30 days before your license gets expired. If you delay in application, you will be charged a Penalty of Rs 100 per day.

Failing to renew the Food License can make the authorities sue you. They can also put your firm on hold. So to avoid penalties, you should renew your food license on time.

The procedure for renewal of FSSAI License is same as applying for a new one. FSSAI License is renewed by Form B or form A (based on your eligibility) and the procedure takes place in the following manner:

1. The first step is to fill Form B. All your required information is filled up in the form.A self-attested declaration is attached along with the form in the specified format declaring that you conform to the Food Safety and Standards Act, Regulations/ laws and shall obey the guidelines on Hygiene and Sanitary Practices provided under Schedule – 4 of the Registration and Licensing Regulations. All the other required documents should also be attached here.

2. Once the authority receives your application, it examines your application and if everything is on point, they arrange an inspection to your working area.

3. Once the FSSAI officer finishes the inspection and is satisfied with your work, he or she passes your application along with his report.

4. It takes 60 days for the authority to issue the FSSAI license. If it takes more than 60 days and you have not got any notice from the authority you can continue the business without waiting for further communication

Documents Required.

The same Documents are required for Renewal as required for filing for a new one.

Documents required for Basic FSSAI License:

1) Latest Passport sized photograph of the applicant

2) Identification proof (voter ID card or Aadhaar Card)

3) PAN Card

4) Address Proof- Telephone or Mobile Bill/ Electricity or Gas Bill)

5) Copy of Property papers (if owned)

6) Copy of Rent Agreement and Landlord’s NOC (if rented)

Documents required for Central or State FSSAI license

1) list of Partners/Proprietor/Executive Members of Society with complete address and contact details.

2) Latest Passport sized photograph of the applicant

3) Identification proof (voter ID card or Aadhaar Card)

4) PAN Card

5) Address Proof- Telephone or Mobile Bill/ Electricity or Gas Bill)

6) Copy of Property papers (if owned)

7) Copy of Rent Agreement and Landlord’s NOC (if rented)

8) Partnership Deed/ MOA/AOA of the firm

9) A copy of certificate obtained under Co-Op Act – 1861/Multi State Co-Op Act – 2002 in the case of Co-Operatives.

1) NOC from manufacturer (in case of Distributor)

2) Information of Source of raw material

3) NOCs from Municipality or local body

4) An E-Code document issued by DGFT

5) Form IX Nomination of persons by a company along with the board resolution

The following documents are also required only in case of Manufacturing and Processing units:

• Blueprint/layout plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions in meters/square meters and operation-wise area allocation

• Name and List of Equipment and Machinery along with their number, installed capacity and horsepower used

• List of food category desired to be manufactured.

• Authority letter with name and address of responsible person nominated by the manufacturer along with alternative responsible person indicating the powers vested with them via assisting the officers in inspections, a collection of samples, packing & dispatch.

• Analysis report (Chemical & Bacteriological) of water to be used as an ingredient in food from a recognized/ public health laboratory to confirm the portability.


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