Principal Display Panel Of A Food Product

Display Panel

Principal Display Panel is that part of the container/package intended or likely to be displayed, presented, shown or checked by the customer under normal and regular conditions of display, sale or purchase of the commodity contained inside.

Basically, it means, the section of package or container that is on display in the shop which the consumer will see first and examine it in order to decide whether they want to buy the product or not. If a customer asks to purchase a particular product the salesperson has to show the principal display of that particular product to the customer.

As per the regulations set by the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labeling) Regulations, 2011, the Principal Display Panel usually provides the information of the food product like ketchup, spreads, jams etc. in an explicit way, where even the height of the letters labeled on the product has to be of specific height. It also specifies the numerals for the net amount of the material inside the package should be of a specific height.

Apart from a Principal Display Panel, it is also mandatory to have an alternate display panel that has the same information as there on Principal Display Panel. It is also necessary that the details on the Principal Display Panel be unambiguous, easily understandable and readable and not be covered by design or crowding.

According to Food Safety and Standards Regulations the space occupied by the Principal Display Panel will be as follows:

In the case of a rectangular container is the space occupied by the Principal Display Panel must be in 40% of the available space when height is multiplied by the width of the package in an area where the package is the broadest.

In the case of a cylindrical, round, oval or almost cylindrical container, the Principal Display Panel must be on 20% of the available space when the height of the container is multiplied by the average circumference.

In the case of any other shape of package or container, it must be 20% of the total surface area but only if no label is affixed securely to the container. If there is a label affixed then the surface area of the label must not be less than 10% of the total surface area of the container that will work as Principal Display Panel. If the package or container has a capacity of only 5 cubic centimeters then the Principal Display Panel must be taped or card affixed to the package or container and should have all the necessary information as per the regulations.

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