With the current scenario, 2.75 Lakh patent applications are pending before the Indian government, the government has decided to introduce Tatkal option for faster patent registration. The government has decided to cut down the time period to two and half years immediately from the existing five to seven years. Applicants can opt for the Tatkal option by paying additional fees if they opt for India as first international search authority.
The purpose of introducing this option is to create India’s image as a patent filing hub so that outside companies can file in India. Keeping in mind the growth of startups, the government has opened this Tatkal option for them also. However, the additional fee for startups will be same as individuals. Under, Tatkal option the fee is fixed at INR 8000/- for startups and individuals while companies it may cost up to INR 60000/-
It has been claimed that about 10 % of the pending applications could be withdrawn with the initiation of this option. The government is trying its best to complete the process within 18 months. After which, the patent would be granted within next 12 months.
DIPP (Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion) has also introduced cases under which firms can ask for a refund of application fee if one withdraws the application. There are many applicants who filed for patent registration but did not show any interest in future. It might be because that after working for a year, they realized that their invention is not viable enough. Such applicants can withdraw their applications and the department will refund 90 % application fee. However, this modification will be applicable only to new applicants.
This modification came as a good news for Startups with innovative ideas because now they will be able to enjoy governmental benefits.
For patent registration or to file any kind of tax online such as income tax return, service tax return, TDS return, contact LegalRaasta.